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Know How to Develop Leadership Skills with Team Building Activities


Good leaders are crucial for the success of teams and organizations. However, effective leadership is not always straightforward. Every leader has their own style, and certain leadership skills are required for effective teamwork. Some of these include efficient communication skills, working under pressure, planning, and problem-solving capabilities.

Leadership Team Development

It includes strengthening teams to effectively collaborate for personal and organizational growth. Developing team leadership strategies helps to enhance communication, identify roles, and decrease potential conflicts.

Organizations can enjoy several benefits of leadership team development with various activities to improve effectiveness and reduce costs in the long run.

What are Leadership Team Building Activities?

These activities are opportunities requiring active participation and may also include role-playing and problem-solving. The objective is to help leaders find effective strategies to encourage job satisfaction, lead their team members, and enhance productivity for organizational growth.

Some of the best team coaching training providers use the following activities during their programs for maximum effectiveness:

§  Active Listening

Effective leaders possess excellent communication skills. This includes active listening, which is when individuals are attentive to non-verbal cues, and use eye contact, facial expressions, and gestures that demonstrate their focus.

During the training, each participant reads a story and asks questions of others at the end of it. The reader is then asked to randomly call the listeners to recall some events or facts occurring in the story. This activity helps participants to develop active listening while enabling the leaders to understand ideas and questions presented by their team members.

§  Empathy

A leadership team coaching program helps participants to be more empathetic towards their team members. Empathy is an important leadership trait that promotes collaborative teamwork. Effective leaders understand that individual members are more important than the work. Empathy requires acquiring qualities that demonstrate a willingness to learn and listen, being aware, and being emotionally intelligent.

An effective team building activity can be heard and seen listening. During this activity, the participants shift between telling stories where they are not heard, respected, or seen and being non-judgmental listeners. It helps leaders to acquire basic skills of empathy and respect.

§  Strategic Thinking

Strategic thinking includes several leadership qualities, such as effective delegation, problem-solving, excellent organization, and critical thinking. It requires leaders to focus on the larger picture and motivate their people towards achieving common organizational goals. Strategic thinking requires leaders to stay focused and not lose their perspective even in tough situations.

The What If activity is an efficient way to develop innovative and strategic thinking. The participants are presented with different workplace scenarios and asked to find different ways to solve these. Then every participant is encouraged to present their ideas to others, which can be an effective way to find unique solutions using different perspectives.

§  Inspiring Others

Team coaching programs are an efficient method to impart motivational skills to the participating leaders. Being inspirational is an important leadership quality to energize and motivate their team members. However, it is not about giving motivational speeches but focuses on building trust, empathetic, and an inclusive leader.

When faced with problems, there can be multiple ways to find a solution and leaders often need to choose the way forward. However inclusive leaders ensure they create space for listening and respecting the opinions of their team members.

Dotmocracy is an effective method to make informed decisions with the help of team members. Leaders present different available options to a problem and each team member is given dots to choose their preferred option. The leaders and their team members then facilitate a discussion to make an informed decision based on the preferences of all concerned.

Another team-building activity can be the impact and effort matrix. It encourages transparency where the leaders explain why a particular decision is effective. The decision-making process must be transparent and easy to understand. In this activity, a 2X2 matrix is created and all possible options are based on the matrix depending on their impacts and efforts. This can simplify the process of prioritizing and comparing different options while the team members are also included in the decision-making process.

Leadership team development is an important tool to improve leadership skills. Organizing different team activities is beneficial to develop and strengthen the most crucial leadership traits. The result can be profitable to the entire organization as these activities encourage team members to collaborate and effectively work together towards personal and organizational growth.



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